DILLUNS: de 18:30h a 22:30h
DIMARTS: de 18:30h a 22:30h
DIMECRES: de 18:30h a 22:30h
DIJOUS: de 18:30h a 22:30h
DIVENDRES: de 19h a 02:30h, Terrassa fins les 00h
DISSABTE: de 12h a 15h i de 19h a 02:30h, Terrassa fins les 00h
DIUMENGE: de 12h a 15h i de 18:30h a 22:30h

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Private Parties in the center of Mataró

Do you want to celebrate your party in the old town of Mataró? Lola has everything thought of. Celebrate your event in the center of Mataró.

Reserve the room